Oct 11, 2010

Getting to know "the pretentious"

Yes all hipsters believe they are better than you. Whether this stems from insecurity or arrogance it is in fact a solid foundation of the culture. Within their tribe hipsters know they are the Gods of Olympus. He has it, every quality we've gone over. I was building you guys up to this. But what is that? A mistake?!
Corona instead of Pabst?! Questionable hipster indeed. He does however have a commanding presence of hipster. He in my opinion will be the inaugural "fuckin hipster". Corona beers, watch it my friends. This may be the new hipster beverage.

1 comment:

  1. FUCK HIPSTERS!!! ALL THEY DO IS COMPLAIN AND LISTEN TO SHITTY MUSIC!! Neutral Milk Hotel? what the fuck is that shit. I hate hipsters, they ruined seattle and portland. FUCK THEM!!!!
